
WNCC Presidential Search Committee Interviews Semifinalists


     The Western Nebraska Community College Presidential Search Advisory Committee has wrapped up 3 days of long-distance interviews with the 9 semifinalists to become the school’s next president. 

     Dr Angela Provart of The Pauly Group and her company did the initial gathering and vetting of applications, then sent those that passed muster on to the 12-person committee

       Chadron resident and former Chadron State College professor and administrator Dr Margaret Crouse is on the committee along with 3 other WNCC board members, two WNCC faculty, two WNCC staff, and 4 community members. 

    The search process last month narrowed the field from 42 applicants from around the country to the 9 semifinalists now being interviewed via videoconferencing. 

      The committee will now send an unranked short list to the WNCC board, who will then select an undetermined number of finalists to come to Scottsbluff.

      Each finalist will have a series of interviews with the board, WNCC faculty and staff, and community leaders. The finalists will also visit and have public meetings on the WNCC campuses in Sidney and Alliance. 

     Under Nebraska law, the names of applicants don’t have to be released until the interview stage. The WNCC finalists will likely be released at the board’s regular March meeting later this month.  

      WNCC has been without a permanent president since the unexpected resignation of Dr Carmen Simone in June 2021.      

     Former Lamar Community College President Dr John Marrin, who spent 23 years as a professor and administrator at WNCC, was named Interim President a short time later and agreed to serve until the new permanent president is hired.