
Women’s and Men’s Health Programs Change Enrollment Guidelines to Serve More Women


Women’s and Men’s Health Programs (WMHP), which include the Every Woman Matters (EWM) Program and the Nebraska Colon Cancer Screening Program (NCP), provide screening for breast, cervical, and colon cancer. The goal of these screening services is to find cancers early when they are most preventable and treatable. Additionally, WMHP offers cardiovascular and diabetes screening to eligible women. The two key components of the program include personalized navigation to access services and referrals to lifestyle management programs to help women live healthier lives. Over the past 33 years, WMHP has served over 98,587 community members in Nebraska.

The EWM program has lowered the enrollment age to 21 and increased the eligibility income level to 250% of the Federal Poverty Level which provides broader access to women most in need. You may notice that the WMHPs have a fresh look that incorporates all the services offered.

The WMHP’s mission is to “Ensure Nebraska women and men have access to cancer screening and prevention resources.” The WMHP vision is “Nebraska women and men living healthy and cancer free lives.”

Women who enroll in EWM may be eligible for a pelvic exam, Pap test, clinical breast exam, and screening mammogram based on family or personal history. To qualify for the screening program, a woman must be a US citizen or permanent resident, aged 21-74, without adequate insurance, and within 250% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines (i.e., a family of four could have a household income of up to $78,000).

Program eligible women can receive services based on screening guidelines related to age and personal or family history*:

*EWM and NCP utilize the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) Guidelines: **Clients outside of age parameters who meet program guidelines and do not have Medicaid/Medicare coverage will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Enrollment is based on review.

“The Women’s and Men’s Health Programs are vital to ensuring access to essential preventive health care needs in communities across Nebraska,” said Dr. Timothy Tesmer, Chief Medical Officer at DHHS. “We are proud to build on the program’s strong foundation, and the new look will enhance the program visibility as we continue to serve Nebraskans with preventive health care.”

You can enroll in EWM or NCP by calling 800-532-2227 and requesting a Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire or filling out the online version available at

For more information about Women’s and Men’s Health Programs, visit the website at or email: