
Wyoming National Guard Holding Disaster Drill This Week In 9 Counties


      The Wyoming National Guard is holding a comprehensive emergency response exercise this week aimed at enhancing public safety and community preparedness

       Vigilant Guard 23-3 runs through Friday in various locations across Wyoming, simulating a large-scale disaster scenario to test response capabilities, coordination, and communication systems in a controlled environment. 

     Major General Greg Porter, Adjutant General for Wyoming, says the exercise is designed to ensure emergency response organizations are well-prepared and ready to respond to any future crises. 

       Portions of Vigilant Guard 23-3 will be held in 9 different counties – Campbell, Crook, Johnson, Laramie, Natrona, Park, Platte, Sheridan, and Weston.

       Residents in those counties may notice a lot more emergency response personnel, military vehicles, and aircraft than normal, so General Porter emphasizes that the Guard appreciates the public’s support and understanding.

      Porter says Vigilant Guard 23-3 allows the Guard to highlight its dedication to safety and security, show its commitment to readiness and preparedness, and demonstrate its dedication to the safety and security of the state’s residents.