The Chadron City Council has approved a Memorandum of Understanding with the Chadron Public Library Board and the Library Foundation for fundraising on a library renovation and expansion project.
Acting Foundation President Ann Sundberg told the council that planning for the project and fundraising suffered a setback with the sudden and unexpected death of Foundation President Roger Mays, but that everyone remains committed to moving forward.
Asked what was meant in the Memorandum by the phrase “actively support” fundraising efforts, Library Board President Drew Peterson said it didn’t mean having the city take the lead role or pledging funds.
Instead, he said it meant such things as providing letters of support for grant applications and being the actual recipient of other grants that would be passed along to the project.
The Memorandum of Understanding is similar in spirit to a resolution of support for a multi-million dollar renovation and expansion proposal passed by the council in early 2020
The Library Board had a design concept done in 2014 by Humphries Poli Architects of Denver following a series of public input meetings, but more detailed drawings would be needed before any project could go to bid.
Petersen has said in the past the Library Board remains committed to its pledge that any library project would be done without local taxpayer money and that construction would not begin until all needed funding was in hand.