
Chadron High Freshman Recognized As One Of Top Teen Writers In Nebraska


     Chadron High School freshman Eve Bishop has placed in multiple categories in the 2023 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, presented by Hastings College. 

      The awards show Bishop’s writings were recognized by a panel of creative professionals as among the most outstanding works submitted by Nebraska students for this year’s competition.

     Bishop’s story “Remisire” earned the Silver Key Award in Novel Writing and Honorable Mention for two other entries in that category, “It Had Always Been This Way” and “It Was Clementine Season.” 

      She also received Honorable Mention in the Poetry competition for two poems, “You” and “Meaningless, Meaningless.”

      As a Silver Key winner, “Remesire” will be published in the 2023 edition of Best Nebraska Teen Writing from Hastings College Press. 

       Her awards bring Bishop a $5,000 scholarship to Hastings College, a Silver Key pin, copies of both the 2022 and 2023 editions of Best Nebraska Teen Writing, two small notebooks, and certificates for each award. 

      The Scholastic Art and Writing Awards were begun in 1923 and over the years have recognized some of America’s most celebrated artists and writers while they were teenagers, including Stephen King, Joyce Carol Oates, and Andy Warhol.

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