
Chadron Shooter In Custody, No Injuries; Bank Robber Still At Large



     The Chadron Police Department says an armed man who was the subject of an intensive 4-hour search Friday evening on the south end of the city was captured shortly after 10:00 as he walked along South Maple Street in the Hidden Valley area.

       Details are not expected to be available until sometime in the morning, but scanner traffic suggested the man may have surrendered voluntarily. He was taken to Chadron Community Hospital for medical clearance before he could be taken to the Dawes County Jail. His name has not been released by authorities.

       Although shots were fired on multiple occasions, no one was hurt during the incident and search. There’s also apparently no evidence the man, who reportedly had an assault-style rifle, ever fired in the direction of any individual.

       Police say the man is not the one who robbed the Chadron Federal Credit Union at gunpoint about 2:30 in the afternoon. The robber, who evaded an extensive manhunt of his own and remains at large, was caught on security video and is clearly not the shooter. 

        The initial call came in around 6:00 and the search was in the C Hill area on the southern end of the Chadron State College campus, but moved over the next 4 hours as far east as the Ridgeview Drive area and as far west as Maple Street.

      Emergency phone notification of the situation recommended residents shelter in place, lock all doors, and remain calm. Chadron State College went on lockdown a little after 7:00 and gave the same recommendation with the addition of turning off lights and remaining out of sight.  

     Phone notification that the suspect was in custody thanked residents for their patience and cooperation in observing the shelter in place request.


 Chadron Police Responding To Active Shooter Situation In C Hill Area – UPDATE 9:15

  Chadron area law enforcement continue to search the south end of the city for a man apparently armed with an assault-type rifle who fired shots earlier in the evening.

There are reports the Nebraska State Patrol SWAT team has been requested.

        The initial search around 6:00 was in the C Hill area on the southern end of the Chadron State College campus, but in the hours since has gone as far west as Maple Street and east to the Ridgeview Drive area. 

      Few details are known because of the ongoing situation, but at least one helicopter with night-search capabilities was called with a number of ground personnel also outfitted low-light vision equipment.

      Emergency phone notification of the situation went out citywide and said another would go out when the situation was resolved. It also recommended residents shelter in place, lock all doors, and remain calm – which is now recommended for the entire city. 

     Chadron State College went on lockdown a little after 7:00 and gave the same recommendation with the addition of turning off lights and remaining out of sight.  

    It’s not known if the shooter, who has apparently not fired at any individual, is connected to the armed robbery of the Chadron Federal Credit Union about 2:30. A lengthy search for that suspect was unsuccessful.


The Chadron Police Department is currently engaged in an active shooter situation on the south side of the Chadron State College campus in the area of C Hill.

Emergency phone notification of the situation has gone out citywide.

911 Coordinator Gale Kittell says shots have been fired and all available law enforcement personnel have responded.

Kittle says police ask that everyone remain calm and that residents in the C Hill area shelter in place and lock doors as a precaution.

Chadron State College has gone into lockdown with everyone on campus urged to shelter in place, lock all doors, turnoff lights, and remain out of sight.

It’s not known if the C Hill shooter is connected to the armed robbery of the Chadron Federal Credit Union earlier in the day.

More information will be released as it becomes available. Emergency phone notification will also take place at that time.

24 thoughts on “Chadron Shooter In Custody, No Injuries; Bank Robber Still At Large”

  1. I hear you. This is so out of character for our city. Makes a person wonder if this is some kind of war game. The guy needs a good psychiatrist. This is not the first event either. A week or so ago some individuals used the city water tank, also near C Hill, for target practice. Very sad. I hope no one gets hurt in the chase. This has to stop before it gets totally out of hand. Thanks to all the responders who are helping in the chase.

  2. Unfortunately, it is happening everywhere. Maybe it is time for parents to raise their children with the purpose of being productive citizens and stop allowing the government to have power over said citizens. Children are not friends of the parents they are humans designed to advance civilization; stop pacifing the human race. Choices have consequences at any stage of life. Take back the authority of the government for the good of the people.

  3. Unfortunately, it is happening everywhere. Maybe it is time for parents to raise their children with the purpose of being productive citizens and stop allowing the government to have power over said citizens. Children are not friends of the parents they are humans designed to advance civilization; stop pacifing the human race. Choices have consequences at any stage of life. Take back the authority of the government for the good of the people.

  4. Scary stuff. As long as things continue to get worse in this country things like this will continue. We ha v e more people leaving cities and illegal aliens moving around.Townships need to make a plan on how to h andle the influx of crime. America will never be the same as long as we continue on this path.
    We also have allowed our children, grandchildren to play ciolent video games and to watch and listen to violent movies and music. this instills violence.

  5. So true. Unfortunately, both husband and wife have to work to keep food on the table and a roof overhead. There are also single parent homes where there is little or no time to have parent and child communicate. There is precious little quality time and little or no supervision. “The idle mind is the Devil’s workshop.”

  6. Violent media? Really? That old chestnut? We make it easier and easier for people to get guns and your shocked these tragedies keep happening? Of course ya had to bring up illegals too when it’s no secret 99.9 percent of mass shootings are straight white men. Same stupid excuses we’ve heard for decades.

  7. this is what you get….
    when you …
    1. give participation trophies ,time outs and don’t say no ..for starters
    2.govt is never the answer to any thing but war, but they found a way to screw that up.
    replacing God with govt is not good either don’t get me wrong I said God!!!not religion,
    religion is just as corrupt as government.
    3 I could go on,, but I leave you with this ,things are not going to get better in society so be prepared have your things in order. God bless

  8. Special Alert

    Mr King:

    “Government” (aka law enforcement) stopped a man running around C hill armed with a AR 15 from harming himself or anyone else.

    To Elizabeth:

    Pretty sure the guy running around wasn’t a “illegal alien”

    I will say a prayer tonight that proper punctuation and English will be bestowed upon you both.

    Now back to your regularly scheduled Fox News propaganda. Carry on.

  9. Take back which part of government authority? And for the good of which group of people? I totally agree on parents needing to raise productive citizens. After all, if one chooses to have children, then, why not? Please do help all of good society by introducing good children into it, right? Parents should try their best… But what particular part of government power (and that over which ‘said citizens’ should be stopped), and how does that relate to raising productive children? And are you saying that parents having children should stop pacif(y)ing the human race, because they’re only going to advance civilization? Interesting outlook on society.

  10. No mention of the thanks we should give to our law enforcement personnel for the outstanding job they have done to keep our community safe. These people run to face the danger that most everyone else runs and hides from. They put themselves in harms way to keep our children and our community protected from anyone who poses a threat to our community. Thank you all for the outstanding courage and bravery you demonstrate during these trying times.

  11. Oh, so you don’t want your grandchildren to watch batman or any superhero movie? None of those cause violence as long as they know the difference between fiction and reality! You know what does cause violence? Weapons. I swear that the background checks to get a non-hunting gun need to be more strict. How come so many people with mental illness and insane people end up with guns? Please lock up your guns and store the safely away from kids AND check up on your kids’ mental health.

  12. I totally agree. They take a risk every day and don’t whine about it. They are also benevolent by working with children, helping those in need and so forth. They aren’t always chasing the bad guys. We are very fortunate to have a great crew led by Chief Rick Hickstein. Keep up the great job, Chadron PD.

  13. Thanks to all our law enforcement . Chadron P.D., Dawes County Sheriffs office, Sheridan county sheriffs office, Nebraska State Patrol, Chadron Dispatch, Alliance Police Department, and Scottsbluff police department. Also the citizens who came forward with night vision equipment. We have had two incidents in our county this week that have been resolved with patience, bravery and compassion (and no loss of life). I commend you. My condolences to your sister in law enforcement Katie Leising (Stevens).

  14. Now, now Clown Show…
    If you’re going to chastise Elizabeth on proper use of grammar, get it right yourself!
    Not “a” illegal alien! It’s “an” illegal alien.

  15. Is that some kind of dog on native people? Are the people in this town still stuck in this ignorant way of thinking? You really should keep your stump comments to yourself.

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