Change begins in September, not June.Â
      Starting in September, the Chadron School Board will hold its regular meetings on Wednesdays at 4:30 instead of its long-time tradition of Mondays at 5:30.
School Board President Boone Huffman says the change is the result of several board members feeling they’re missing too many of their kids’ school activities that fall on Monday while the school district holds extremely few things on Wednesdays, .
Huffman thinks that if the change of meeting day and time proves popular, it could lead more parents with school-age children to run for the school board.
Only 3 people filed for the 3 openings on the Chadron school board this year
The only non-incumbent candidate, Colleen Margetts, will be an incumbent next month as she has been appointed to fill out the term of Maddie Nitsch, who has resigned because she and her children are moving from the area.