
CSC Names Interim VP For Enrollment Management


     Chadron State College has named a higher education veteran of more than 30 years as  Interim Vice President for Enrollment Management.

       Tracy Welsh will begin her duties in 2 weeks on the 13th. She succeeds Dr Tami Selby, whose departure after 2-½ years had not been announced by the college. A nationwide search for a permanent successor is expected to be finished in late spring.

       Welsh, a South Dakota native from Wall, has been in the private sector the past 5 years, but before that spent 34 years at South Dakota State University. 

      She began as an admissions counselor and publications officer, became assistant Admissions Director, then served as Director of High School Relations and Admissions from 1994 to 2018 

  CSC President Ron Patterson says he’s “thrilled” to have Welch join CSC because she has “a proven track record of results and I know she’ll help set CSC up for success.”

      Patterson adds that Welsh “brings a wealth of enrollment experience and that will pay dividends for our college, as well as our Enrollment Management department.” 

      The numbers speak for themselves about Welsh’s success at SDSU, where she supervised 26 employees and 75 student employees. Freshman enrollment grew by over 500 students or 28% while minority enrollment went from 81 to 287 over 17 years.

      Welsh says she loves working in higher education with students and the campus community because what they do is so important.

        She says she’s “really looking forward to the opportunity” to do that again and can’t wait to begin, adding that “it will be a privilege to work here to help students realize their dream since Chadron State offers so many opportunities for students.”