June 13, 2023Â
The Dawes County Board of Equalization will consider, take necessary action and may go into Executive Session concerning the following Agenda items:
9:00 A.M. Call to order/Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance
Notice re: Posted Copies of Open Meetings Act
Approve Agenda
Approve Minutes 05/09/2023
Correspondences: TERC letter; Notice of TERC hearings
9:05 A.M. Lindy Coleman, Assessor re: Tax Corrections
9:10 A.M. Sam Wellnitz, Treasurer re: vehicle tax exemption approval
The Dawes County Board of Commissioners will consider, take necessary action and reserves the right to enter into executive session concerning any of the following agenda items meeting the necessary criteria.
9:20 A.M. Call to Order/Roll Call
Notice re: Posted/Copies of Open Meetings Act
Motion approving Agenda
Motion approving minutes of 05/23/23
Motion approving claims
Correspondence: NNDC Newsletter
9:30 A.M. Wade Yada, Highway Superintendent
re: Road Updates re: Road No. 50 Resolution
10:00 A.M. Brad Streeks, Custodian
re: Courthouse roof
10:30 A.M. Tessa Reece, UNL Extension
re: 4-H/Extension Updates
10:45 A.M. Public Hearing
                   re: removal of bindweed from County Noxious Weed List
11:00 A.M. Lindy Coleman, AssessorÂ
re: Pictometry contract approval
                  Official’s Fee/Mileage Reports
Payroll approval
Resignation of Sheriff Karl Dailey/Jail updates
Surplus Request-Roads
Extension Board Appointment
2 Tourism Grant approvals
Audit Discussion
Karl is resigning? What the hell? Chadron has turned into a Paradise for democrats. May God have mercy on the town that I grew up with once called home.
l have dealt with sheriff Daily n the past when l worked at bank. You r loosing a good sheriff.
Sherriff Daily will be missed hopefully Deputy Jeff John’s will be his replacement
There is a good reason He has ben our Sheriff for all these years. He has always looked out for us.
Contrary to the above comments – I am grateful Sheriff Dailey is resigning. The experiences I have had with him have been unhelpful..
Certainly time for a change.
I agree 200%! His office is commissioned by Crawford for law enforcement and they are an absolute failure!
I don’t believe Karl Dailey can continue as sheriff as long as the official misconduct verdict stands. So I would say, the resignation is his way of not being removed from office. His certifications have to be surrendered.This was a long time coming. His official misconduct has been an ongoing series of episodes for quite some time. Finally, with the video tapes and evidence presented, he couldn’t lie his way out of this one.
That is exactly my point all along! If I were the County, he would’ve been done when the judge said guilty. The misconduct, amongst other things, are a liability. Additionally, it’s not normal to be found guilty and continue as if nothing happened. Your appeal has to be successful before you are reinstated. I would like to know where the State’s oversight was in this matter.
Brian, have you read the article on his “retirement” where he states the misconduct charge has nothing to do with his decision to retire? They’re making him out to be a hero with all of his years of service. Public opinion has always been important to him. That is his reason for running all of the other law enforcement agencies down with his rhetoric. He is an accomplished narcissist who has bragged publicly that he can ruin anyone’s reputation with his words.
How is it the democrats’ fault exactly?
“Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.”