
Democratic U-S Senate Candidate Coming To Chadron On Thursday


      U-S Senate candidate Preston Love is visiting Chadron on Thursday morning as part of his 5-day, 12-city “Love Nebraska Listening Tour” that began Monday.

Love is seeking the Democratic nomination for the seat held by Republican Pete Ricketts

      Love will be at the Bean Broker at 2nd and Morehead at 10:30 for a Meet and Greet as part of his series of listening sessions and roundtables to hear from voters in each city. All are open to the public. 

       Love is a long-time community advocate, adjunct political science professor at UNO, and a 5-time published author who has worked in communities across Nebraska. 

      He also ran for the Senate against Ben Sasse in 2020 as the Democrats preferred write-in after the party withdrew its support from primary election winner Chris Janicek for sending out sexually inappropriate texts to staffers, then refusing to drop out.

     That made Love the first black person in Nebraska to receive the support of a major party for the U-S Senate.

      Love was a star athlete in high school in Lincoln, played football for Nebraska, and was drafted by the Detroit Lions. He was inducted into the Nebraska High School Sports Hall of Fame last year. 

     He went on to establish the first retail computer store in Atlanta and served as Jesse Jackson’s campaign manager during the 1984 Democratic presidential primaries. Love is also founder and CEO of the nonprofit Institute for Urban Development.

      You can learn more about the Preston Love for Senate campaign online at