Nebraska Game and Parks was scheduled to begin its annual statewide series of public input meetings on big game issues this week in Gordon, Oshkosh, and Norfolk but those meetings have been postponed until next month.
District wildlife biologist Hunter Baillie in Alliance says last week’s snow and this week’s forecast of frigid temperatures have pushed the Gordon meeting to Jan 9th with both Oshkosh and Norfolk on the 11th.
      Baillie says because the Panhandle is so large, Game and Parks schedules two input meetings for it and moves the locations each year.
The other meeting sites in addition to Gordon, Norfolk, and Alliance are Falls City, Gretna, Bassett, Grand Island and North Platte but Baillie says 2 virtual meetings were also scheduled this year.
The first virtual meeting was last Thursday with the second coming up on January 3rd at 6:00 MT. You can register at OutdoorNebraska.org/FishGameMeetings.
The in-person meetings have a different format than in years past. The first hour is an open house with time to talk with wildlife biologists, conservation officers and staff.
Game and Parks biologists will then make a presentation at 6:00 and discuss big game harvest results and season structure before taking questions on topics such as big game management, depredation, permits, antlerless harvest, and diseases.