Governor Jim Pillen has proclaimed next week, March 27-31, as Severe Weather Awareness Week in Nebraska, highlighted by a statewide tornado drill next Wednesday at 9:00 MT.
Pillen used the proclamation ceremony in the Capitol to urge all Nebraskans to use the week and the tornado drill to prepare or update an emergency response plan.
Pillen said families, schools, hospitals, businesses and industries should prepare for the upcoming severe weather season by reviewing or creating a plan dealing with the possibility of tornadoes, floods, and other life-threatening weather developments.
The governor also encouraged residents to remember they have lots of neighbors, including many that are new to their area, and to help those new neighbors make sure they understand the threat posed by severe weather.
Brian Smith, coordination meteorologist at the National Weather Service office in Omaha, and Adjutant General and Nebraska Emergency Management Agency Director Daryl Bohac both echoed the governor’s call.
They said Nebraskan’s should prepare by staying updated and creating emergency kits that will help families, schools, and businesses stay safe during any severe weather.