
History In Action Day Is Here Again At The Dawes County Historical Museum


      The Dawes County Historical Society holds its 27th History in Action Day Sunday from 12:30-4:00 at the Dawes County Historical Museum.

Admission is free, but donations are always appreciated.  There’s also free ice cream.

     Spokesman Phyllis Carlson says as always, there are activities, demonstrations, and exhibits for all ages representing frontier life in Dawes County…but with a special focus for kids.

     Many of the demonstrations underscore how difficult life was generations ago, when it might take days to plow fields that modern tractors can handle in just a few hours or when a trip to town and back might take all day.

     Visitors are encouraged to check out all the museum’s exhibits such as the Heesacker Toy Collection, one-room schoolhouse, and the unique Marcus Cain Equipment Collection.

       Among the newer exhibits are displays of homemade lace, a restored railroad cart, and beauty shop items next to the barber shop in Carpenter’s Cove.

      The Cove’s sister building houses the doll collection donated by Richard and Clara Erixon and the historic telephone equipment from Carl and Fawn Larsen

      The Dawes County Historical Museum is on the grounds of a farm donated to the Society for that purpose 3 miles south of Chadron just past the golf course off Highway 385 on Country Club Road

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