
Ivy Days Ceremony Continues Century-Plus Tradition At CSC


     Spring commencement at Chadron State College is tomorrow morning at 10:00 in the Chicoine Center, but the weekend in many ways begins tonight at 7:00 in Memorial Hall with the annual Ivy Day Ceremonies.

    A traditional event held since 1919 and sponsored by the Blue Key and Cardinal Key honoraries, Ivy Day has evolved over the years and now recognizes top graduating seniors – some by their academic departments, some for graduating with honors, and some with specific awards.

     Foremost among the latter is the Platinum Eagle, considered the highest honor a CSC student can receive. It’s presented each year to one male and one female for distinguished leadership and service.

     Ivy Day also features two student orators, one representing Cardinal Key – the women’s honorary – and the other from Blue Key – the men’s honorary.