Funeral services for 15-year old Joseph Valandra are Friday, Sept 9, 2022, at 2:00 at the Church of the Nazarene at Fast Horse Creek, SD, with Pastor Alex Bad Bear III officiating
Burial is at the Fast Horse Creek Cemetery in Fast Horse Creek-Wounded Knee, SD
A one-night wake service starts Thurs, Sept 8, at 2:00 at the Church of the Nazarene at Fast Horse Creek
Joseph Faith August Valandra was born on September 26, 2006 in Rapid City, SD to Martin Valandra and Melina Moore. He made his journey to the Spirit World on August 30, 2022 in Rapid City, SD.
Joe attended Head Start at Pine Ridge, then went to Wolf Creek Elementary until the 3rd grade when he moved to the Pierre Indian Learning Center. After graduating the 8th grade there. Joe took online classes through Sherman Indian School. Â
Joseph is survived by his parents Martin Valandra and Melina Moore; brothers Jake Robert Valandra, Michael Little Brave-Valandra, Jorden Moore, Rueben & Prince Little Moon, Patrick Little Moon, Dominic Yellow Elk, CJ, Derek, Gabe and Keith Returns; sisters Princess Little Moon, Denissha Returns, Caitlin & Lovetta Little Moon, and Azaraya Coronado; grandfather Joseph Valandra; uncles Andrew and Francis Little Moon; and his grandparents on his mother’s side.
Joseph was preceded in eternity by his grandmother who raised him, Geraldine Fast Horse; uncles Michael & Patrick Little Moon; aunt Ann Little Moon; and cousin Freedom Little Moon.
Pallbearers will be Koda Goings, Zaedyn Winters, Jeremy Bad Bear, Isaiah Buckley, Patrick Little Moon, Woody Lone Elk, Raymond Cottier Jr, and Dominic Yellow Elk; stand-in pallbearers will be Brad Little Moon, Emelio Two Eagle, Prince Little Moon, and Derek Returns.
Honorary pallbearers will be Little Moon Family, Bad Bear Family, Winters Family, Buckley Family, Fast Horse Family, Goings Family, Spotted Bear Family, Red Eagle Family, Gibbons Family, Moore Family, Returns From Scout Family, Red Nest Family, Slow Bear Family, White Eyes Family, Broken Rope Family, Louis Clifford, Carliano Evans, Fred Mousseau, Pierre Indian Learning Center Staff & Students, Wellfully Sherman Indian High School, Rapid City Ambulance Service, Monument Health Heart and Vascular Unit Staff, Monument Health ER Staff & Surgical Unit, and All Friends & Relatives.
Arrangements entrusted with Sioux Funeral Home of Pine Ridge, SD