The NDOT Highway Safety Office is hosting a statewide safety conference to share information, statistics and ideas with traffic safety advocates across Nebraska.
This free conference will be held at the Younes Conference Center South in Kearney Feb. 27-28, and will feature local and national speakers with information on grant-writing skills, social media and promotion of projects, law enforcement training and strategies, child safety seat training and much more. The detailed agenda and schedule can be found here: ndot.info/HSO-conference.
Traffic crashes are the cause of more than 230 fatalities and 15,000 injuries in Nebraska each year. With 94% of crashes being the result of driver behavior, NDOT and its partners continue to strive to reduce impaired and distracted driving, speeding and other dangerous driving behaviors. If all drivers and their passengers wear seat belts, it could increase survival rate by 45%. The national seat belt use rate in 2023 was 91.9%, but only 77.3% in Nebraska.
The NDOT Highway Safety Office hopes that by sharing safety information with highway safety advocates across the state and discussing solutions, Nebraska’s traffic fatalities can drop to zero.