
NDOT Reveals Winners of Third Annual “Name A Snowplow” Contest


The Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT) is excited to announce winners of its third annual “Name A Snowplow” contest. This contest strives to bring awareness about winter weather preparedness and safety to Nebraska’s elementary school students. This year, NDOT received over 1,100 submissions from across the state, a new record for the contest.

NDOT’s district teammates visited the winning schools across the state to congratulate the winning students in person. All students were able to see the newly named snowplows and ask NDOT snowfighters questions about plows and snow removal.

“Getting the opportunity to engage with kids – Nebraska’s next generation of drivers – is a chance for us to bring safety directly to the schools. It was also a great learning moment to share information about all the hard work that goes into keeping our roads safe in winter driving conditions,” stated NDOT Director Vicki Kramer.

NDOT uses its fleet of more than 600 snowplows to keep drivers safe in winter weather, which are ready to go, complete with full liquid tanks and more than 200,000 tons of salt to clear Nebraska’s roads. As winter approaches, if you need to travel be sure to track the newly named snowplows and past winners in real time on

Video and photos from the events are available here:

Here are the schools with winning snowplow names and the districts to which they will be assigned: