
Routine Traffic Stop Results In Drug Charges


     A Chadron man offers another good example of why it’s important to make sure you’re following all the rules when driving if you’re doing something wrong.

       A routine stop for a minor traffic offense Thursday in Chadron quickly got a lot more serious for 44-year old Douglas Updike when a records check showed his driver’s license had been revoked.

     That immediately led to his arrest for Driving Under Revocation, but during the arrest Chadron Police Sgt Patrick Young discovered a pipe with suspected methamphetamine residue in Updike’s pocket. 

      Updike’s vehicle was then searched and a lockbox discovered which, when opened, was found to contain a small amount of suspected meth and marijuana as well as pipes and other drug paraphernalia.

       Sgt Young also found various forms of drug paraphernalia outside the lockbox as well as suspected THC with the active chemical found in marijuana.

       At that point, Updike’s passenger, 37-year old Collette Yardley of Chadron, was also arrested and both of them were taken to the Dawes County Jail. 

    Updike is being held on 2 felonies –  Driving while Revoked and Possession of Methamphetamine – and the infraction of possession of Drug Paraphernalia. 

       Yardley faces one count of felony Possession of Meth and infractions for Possession of Less than an ounce of marijuana and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. Bond was set at 10% of $20,000 for both Updike and Yardley.