
Second Herbster Accuser Releases Identity


       Another of the 8 women who accused Charles Herbster in a Nebraska Examiner article of groping them has allowed her name to be made public.

      25-year old Elizabeth Todsen told the Examiner on Friday she had been reluctant to come forward as State Senator Julie Slama had, but that she could no longer watch Herbster and his campaign attack Slama. 

      Todsen says “it just made me so mad, seeing her out there by herself and ultimately being bullied and discounted, I said, ‘it’s time to do what’s right.’”

       She was also more willing to come public because of the creation by 4 Republican state senators who created a new legal defense fund for anyone with a credible allegation against Herbster. The group and fund are backing Todsen.

      The original Examiner story has also changed Todsen. She says it made her realize she wasn’t alone and the only one having to deal with Herbster’s actions against them – adding that she believes the other accusers “100%.”

      Herbster campaign spokeswoman Emily Novotny said Friday that Herbster stands by his earlier statement that he “100% denies these allegations.”

      Herbster has sued Slama for defamation and she has counter-sued. Her attorney says Herbster has a chance to tell, under oath, his side of what happened at depositions scheduled for this Friday.

6 thoughts on “Second Herbster Accuser Releases Identity”

  1. These are typical liberal tactics. Wait until just before the voting period and smear your opponent as fast and heavy as you can. It looks like maybe Pillen and Slama should have a D before their names. I hope the voters see through this fiasco.

  2. Eight women have accused Herbster of sexual assault. Either it’s a big liberal conspiracy or Herbster has a history of doing awful things to women. You have no evidence to support the claim that this is all a conspiracy and neither does Herbster.

  3. In my personal opinion, Pillen is a RINO and so is Slama. Therefore, it is liberals operating as Republicans. If Pillen is elected, you will see CRT in the schools, overspending, and several other liberal policies in effect. None of these allegations were brought forward when they allegedly happened. Why? Slama invited Herbster to her wedding and accepted his campaign support. Why, if he attacked her? Why now? It’s pretty convenient it happens a week before the elections. Don’t you think?

  4. The Nebraska SWAMP is freaking out with accusations, I know Charles W Herbster and he is a gentleman, Salama has REALLY close ties to R$icketts and the RIcketts/Orr cabal want to keep power in our State Government. Why would Salama invite Herbster to her destination wedding and ask him for a donation of $10,000.00 and a wedding gift, her fiancé ask and receive a $5,000.00 donation after the so called incident. They are trying to Kevenaugh him. BTW, he is financing his own Candidacy, so he owes no one. Pillen will be a puppet of Ricketts just like Biden is a puppet for Oboma.

  5. >>In my personal opinion, Pillen is a RINO and so is Slama. Therefore, it is liberals operating as Republicans. If Pillen is elected, you will see CRT in the schools, overspending, and several other liberal policies in effect.

    Just to be clear, this is an opinion. There are no facts here. Calling Pillen and Slama RINOs is your judgement. Saying they’re liberals operating as Republicans is your judgement. Speculating on the outcome of Pillen winning the election is your judgement. If we may, let’s put the opinions aside and look at the facts.

    >>None of these allegations were brought forward when they allegedly happened. Why?

    This is a fair question. If we put all of the conspiracy theories aside for a moment, there are *a lot* of reasons why victims choose to hide a sexual assault. First of all, speaking out against your perpetrator forces you to relive a traumatic experience. Secondly, it can negatively impact your relationship with friends, family, and your career. That is what’s happening with Slama right now.

    Slama spoke up and the GOP vilified her for it. She is a liar in the eyes of everyone in Trump’s camp and she will probably never win those voters back. I can’t speak for the timing of the accusations, but if we are to believe that Herbster has a history of sexually assault, then he has no business holding office and Nebraskans ought to know about that before election day.

    I implore everyone who is following this Herbster case to take accusations of sexual assault seriously. It’s easy to dismiss all of this as a political smear campaign, but if you only believe Herbster’s side of the story, you’re taking the word of one politician as gospel. If it was your loved one who was making an accusation of sexual assault, would you be so quick to dismiss it as a lie?

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