
Senator Brewer’s Weekly Update


By Senator Tom Brewer

Along with Governor Pillen, Speaker of the Legislature Senator John Arch, and Major General Craig Strong, we toured the US/Texas border where about 35 Nebraska National Guard members are currently serving their state and nation.

I was impressed with the seamless unified command of the Nebraska Air and Army National Guardsmen doing the southern border mission. They are a great example of the Nebraska hard-work ethic, and they demonstrate the professionalism that has made this mission successful.

President Biden’s policies have created a humanitarian disaster at our southern border. He could use the power he already has to fix this problem. He is deliberately hurting the United States by not controlling the border. There was no debate, no bill passed in congress. The President simply decided to let anyone who wants into the country.

Hundreds of people trying to cross the border have been found dead, more almost every day. Tens of thousands of unaccompanied minor children have been apprehended and are in custody with no parent to claim them. Fentanyl trafficking has sky rocketed. Human trafficking and rape of young girls is commonplace. The Mexican drug cartels have operational control of much of the border. Illegal aliens routinely murder Americans all over the country. Local communities and county and state governments are overwhelmed delivering social welfare aide to migrants. Critical civilian infrastructure like hospitals and schools and police are all being severely tested. These services cost every tax payer in every state. That’s why this mission is so important.

If I was an adversary of the United States, I would currently have thousands of heavily armed special operations troops located throughout our country right now, waiting for orders. I believe this is an invasion that has serious national security implications and it must be stopped. A country without sovereign borders is no longer a country. I am glad Governor Pillen has deployed our National Guard to this incredibly important mission. We are protecting Nebraskans by putting troops in Texas to help stop the tsunami of illegal immigration.

Please contact my office with any comments, questions, or concerns. Email me at, mail a letter to Sen. Tom Brewer, Room #1423, P.O. Box 94604, Lincoln, NE 68509, or call us at (402) 471-2628.