
Sheriff Karl Dailey To Retire August 1; Took Office In 1987


      Dawes County Sheriff Karl Dailey says he will retire August 1st after more than 36-½ years in office. The County Commissioners “regretfully” accepted his resignation on Tuesday and wished him well in retirement.

     Dailey, who grew up outside New York City on Long Island, was a Chadron police officer before winning his first election in 1986. He told the commissioners he’s had “an incredible career” and has worked with some “amazing people.” 

     As would be expected over the course of nearly 4 decades as sheriff, Dailey has clashed with the commissioners periodically of the years, but he said he feels he’s worked well with those of the last 10 years.

     Dailey gave no reason for his decision to retire. He said when filing for his 9th term in 2018 that he’d actually planned to retire but was running because his wife Jane, then the Crawford City Clerk, was still a few years away from retiring herself.

     She was still the city clerk when Dailey decided to run for a 10th term last year, but she left her position when new Crawford Mayor Tom Phillips and a largely new council required all city employees to undergo a 90-day probation period.

     Dailey was convicted in 2021 of Official Misconduct by refusing to accept a prisoner from the Nebraska State Patrol 2 years earlier, and the State Supreme Court upheld the conviction last month on a 3-2 vote. 

      Dailey told the county commissioners Tuesday the ruling had nothing to do with his decision to retire at this time. He did not address whether health issues were a factor in the decision.

     The county commissioners will appoint Dailey’s successor, who will serve the remaining 3-plus years of his term. 

     Dailey recommended Jeff Johns, his chief deputy, be named the new sheriff. Johns is a veteran law enforcement officer who was with the Chadron Police Department for several years before joining the Sheriff’s Office.

      The commissioners took no action yesterday on the recommendation.

6 thoughts on “Sheriff Karl Dailey To Retire August 1; Took Office In 1987”

  1. I first met Karl when I was a graduate assistant at CSC (1972) and he was a new freshman. I was teaching English and Karl was one of my students. As I look back, I wasn’t much of a teacher, but I was so fascinated with the stories he told about events in his life. I’m sure the other students thought so as well. As years went by, I saw Karl occasionally. He was always jolly. As sheriff he has been a great asset to our city. I commend him for staying in that role for such a long time. It couldn’t have been much fun sometimes, but he always has done what he thought was right. Thanks, Karl. We will miss you in that role, but we understand. We aren’t getting any younger are we? Time to play. God bless.

  2. Congrats on your retirement, Karl!! I really enjoyed being able to work with you when I was with KCSR. We could always get accurate information in a timely manner, which is what everyone in our community wanted. I hope you and Jane have some wonderful years ahead of you doing the retired life.

  3. Thank you for nearly 4 decades of dedicated service to this area. We have enjoyed our visits with you. Wishing you all the best in a well deserved retirement.

  4. Thank you for your service Karl.I have enjoyed the friendship over the years. Being a Yankees fan is your biggest fault. I guess nobody’s perfect. Hope you and Jan have a great retirement

  5. Have a great retirement! Your hard work and dedication will be missed by all. I thank you for the opportunity you gave me years ago. I always enjoyed our conversations and always held you in the highest regards. Take care my friend.

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