
Smith Challenger Brings Campaign To Panhandle


Hastings entrepreneur and grocery chain owner John Walz, who’s challenging 9-term 3rd District Congressman Adrian Smith in the Republican primary, has been campaigning in the Northern Panhandle this week.

       Walz identifies himself as a Marine Corps veteran, happily married father of 10, and a Catholic Christian who meticulously consults with Jesus Christ through prayer before making any major life decisions.

      He’s made it easy to instantly recognize his general political philosophy – his website is MAGAWalz.

Walz says he’s voted for Smith several times, but feels the incumbent has lost touch with what his constituents want and believe.

Walz didn’t enter the race until late December and says Smith’s decision to vote for a continuing resolution the previous month to keep the government open was the “straw that broke the camel’s back” for him.

     Walz says he has an “unwavering commitment to God, family, and country” as well as a “deep-rooted understanding of American history” that’s convinced him the federal government is out of control.

      Because of that, he says the only way to save the country is through God’s help, so he launched a 9-day period of prayer and fasting on Thursday.

Walz says anyone wanting to learn more about his positions and campaign can check out social media and his website MAGAWALZ.COM