With the first day of February being recognized as National Energy Assistance Day, the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is highlighting the many benefits provided by the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).
“We know that many households encounter challenges paying home energy utility bills, especially in extreme temperatures,” LIHEAP Program Manager Matt Thomsen said. “This program is here to help those in need to be safe during those times.”
Since 1981, LIHEAP has helped offset some of the costs of heating and cooling a home with 100% federal funding. The program’s administrative costs are paid with federal and state funds, which vary annually.
Households are eligible for LIHEAP if they:
- Have income at or below 150% of the federal poverty level;
- Meet the LIHEAP citizenship and residency requirements;
- Are responsible for home energy utilities; and
- Are not otherwise disqualified or ineligible.
Some of the benefits include heating assistance from October 1 through March 31, as well as cooling assistance from June 1 through August 31. In both instances, eligible households can have a one-time payment be sent to their utility provider to lower their bills. LIHEAP-eligible households can receive cooling assistance if they include a member who:
- Is a child under age 6 who receives Aid to Dependent Children (ADC);
- Is age 70 or older;
- Has a severe illness or condition that is aggravated by extreme heat as verified by a medical statement signed by a licensed healthcare provider; or
- Has received an air conditioner from DHHS within four years of the application date.
LIHEAP assists in crisis situations, including deposits and reconnection fees. Those eligible and in a crisis situation can receive assistance if they experience:
- An unanticipated medical or household expense;
- A significant, permanent, and involuntary loss of work hours, wages, or employment;
- The departure of a primary wage earner;
- The inability of a primary wage earner to work due to illness or injury; or
- A significant income loss due to the death of a household member.
Additionally, LIHEAP can provide assistance for the repair or replacement of a furnace or central air conditioner, as well as the purchase of a window air conditioner.
“We encourage Nebraskans to apply even if they think they may need assistance sometime in the future,” Thomsen said. “It’s important to prepare to make sure everyone in your home can stay warm in the cold or cool in the heat.”
To apply for LIHEAP, those interested can request or apply for LIHEAP through DHHS:
- Online at https://iserve.nebraska.gov;
- In-person at a DHHS office (A list can be found at: https://dhhs.ne.gov/Pages/Public-Assistance-Offices.aspx); or
- By calling the following numbers:
- Lincoln: (402) 323-3900
- Omaha: (402) 595-1258
- TDD: (402) 471-7256
For more information on LIHEAP, please visit https://dhhs.ne.gov/pages/energy-assistance.aspx or https://energyhelp.us.