
Wind Cave Offers Facebook Presentation On Cave’s Low-Energy Environment


    Wind Cave National Park continues its celebration of National Park Week with a special online program this afternoon.

      Chief of Interpretation Tom Farrell says professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry Josh Sebree will talk about his NASA grant to study the cave’s low-energy environment, which resembles those on other planets.

Farrell says the park offered a few online programs at the height of the pandemic, but ran into some technical issues that have now been addressed – opening the door for more such presentations in the future.

Farrell says there will be a variety of social media posts on the park’s Facebook and Instagram platforms for the rest of the week highlighting various aspects of the park. 

      National Park Week runs through Saturday, when Wind Cave will offer a Junior Ranger program from 2-3:00. Participants will be able to stop by the visitor center to complete a scavenger hunt for a free prize along with a craft for kids to take home.    

      National Park Week is an annual national celebration of people, parks, trails, heritage areas, national trails and rivers, seashores, historic sites, and beautiful landscapes that together tell the story of our nation.